black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Cortinas para Hostelería en Canarias

Soluciones personalizadas para hoteles, residencias, apartamentos y restaurantes. Tejidos ignífugos y servicio integral en todas las islas.

Confección a Medida

Medición , confección e instalación profesional para un acabado perfecto, más de 30 años de experiencia nos avalan.

Te recomendamos tejidos adaptados a la legislación vigente. Certificaciones M1, Fr, euroclase, UNE-EN 13501-1

Diseños exclusivos para cada espacio. asesoramiento profesional. Proyectos llave en mano para que te despreocupes totalmente.

Tejidos Ignífugos
Servicio Integral

Cortinas de calidad para hostelería

En Cortinas para Hostelería, nos especializamos en la confección e instalación de cortinas ignífugas para hoteles, restaurantes, oficinas y apartamentos, garantizando un ambiente seguro y elegante.

A row of hanging fabric curtains in various colors is illuminated by sunlight, casting shadows across their textured surfaces. The fabrics range from greens and browns to oranges and reds, creating a warm and earthy palette.
A row of hanging fabric curtains in various colors is illuminated by sunlight, casting shadows across their textured surfaces. The fabrics range from greens and browns to oranges and reds, creating a warm and earthy palette.

Cortinas para Hostelería

Ofrecemos cortinas ignífugas para hoteles, restaurantes, apartamentos y oficinas, con instalación incluida.

Confección a Medida
A set of vertical, evenly spaced blue curtains appear to be drawn across a stage or large window. The fabric has a dense texture and the lighting creates subtle shadows and highlights.
A set of vertical, evenly spaced blue curtains appear to be drawn across a stage or large window. The fabric has a dense texture and the lighting creates subtle shadows and highlights.

Diseñamos cortinas personalizadas según tus necesidades y estilo del espacio. Medimos y presupuestamos sin compromiso.

Vertical, textured curtains with light streaming through, creating a pattern of shadows.
Vertical, textured curtains with light streaming through, creating a pattern of shadows.
Instalación Profesional

Nuestro equipo se encarga de la instalación para garantizar un acabado perfecto y duradero.

Nos avalan más de 30 años en el sector textil. Somos fabricantes de cortinas técnicas; estores, panel japonés, cortina vertical, venecianas.

Cortina técnica


Descubre nuestros diseños de cortinas para hostelería únicos.

A luxurious blue velvet curtain is elegantly tied back with a decorative silver tassel rope, set against billowing white fabric in the background.
A luxurious blue velvet curtain is elegantly tied back with a decorative silver tassel rope, set against billowing white fabric in the background.
A vibrant, patterned curtain with red and white floral designs hangs on a window. The sunlight filters through the fabric, creating a warm glow. Behind the curtain, green potted plants rest on a windowsill, and a garden can be seen outside. A red velvet pillow and a dark-colored bedspread are visible in the lower part of the image.
A vibrant, patterned curtain with red and white floral designs hangs on a window. The sunlight filters through the fabric, creating a warm glow. Behind the curtain, green potted plants rest on a windowsill, and a garden can be seen outside. A red velvet pillow and a dark-colored bedspread are visible in the lower part of the image.
A close-up view of golden beige curtains with soft, vertical folds. The texture appears smooth, and the light creates subtle gradients.
A close-up view of golden beige curtains with soft, vertical folds. The texture appears smooth, and the light creates subtle gradients.
Two colored curtains, one in a textured red material and the other in a smooth blue fabric, hang side by side. Sunlight streams through the window behind them, creating a glow around the curtains and highlighting the textures.
Two colored curtains, one in a textured red material and the other in a smooth blue fabric, hang side by side. Sunlight streams through the window behind them, creating a glow around the curtains and highlighting the textures.
Patterned curtains illuminated by a warm light, casting shadows that create a sense of depth and texture.
Patterned curtains illuminated by a warm light, casting shadows that create a sense of depth and texture.